Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mi escuela

As you may have noticed, I sometimes use Spanish words in my text. After studying and using mostly Spanish in my day-to-day life, Spanish words have started coming to mind naturally and its getting more and more difficult to say or type anything in English or Polish without Spanish slipping out. The Spanish language aggressively takes over! I fear that with time the Spanish words will begin to appear more frequently, and sometime in June i will be writing only en Espanol.
Since learning Spanish is my primary activity here I would like to say few words about my Spanish school. First of all, i would not call this place a school. Everything from the teachers, who are my friends and, in most cases are younger than me, to the overall atmosphere which is very LAID BACK, and not to mention the motto of our immersion program, which emphasizes the sociable, cultural aspect of our studies. More or less our classes resemble loose conversations that could easily take place at the bar or other "social" place. According to our profesora de profesores - Cathy, it works. Not trying to be like a patient who thinks he is smarter than a surgeon, I try to believe her. Moreover, this sounds like learning Spanish with no extraordinary hard work and I like it. I have classes for a total of 4 hours a day, Monday through Friday. I my class I have only one classmate - David, who is also a Rotary student. For a while there were four of us including Whitney - another Rotary student, and Howard - an economics professo, who came to Venezuela looking for confirmation of his socialist beliefs. For some unclear reasons we got separated and Whitney now has classes one on one, and Howard joined a different group of students from the US with ideas a bit more in the line with his political interests. Despite being separated Whitney, David and I spend most of the time together and I am sure in a while will be considered a conspiracy.
Regardless, for the first time in my life I am enjoying going to school. If this makes me an eaven semi-fluent Spanish speaker by the end of July I will call this palce "la escuela perfecta"

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